Starting a new business, much like dating is bloody hard work, looking for a website solution that you can do yourself might seem like the right move. Maybe you’ve fallen for the alluring pickup lines like: “free and professional website”, “total design freedom”, “unique online presence”… which all sounds just a little too good to be true. But you swipe right anyways.

So you tell yourself: “Lets just get something up, we’ll upgrade it when the business is making money.”
You dive in headfirst, much like your first Tinder date, things seem to start off well. You’ve found a great theme, the drag and drop interface is really simple and easy to use, but as you dive deeper, little annoyances start to appear and you find you don’t quite have the total design freedom that was promised and that theme you chose was also chosen by another business in town that just launched as you were starting a new business and trying to figure out how to be a website builder. Not quite the unique online presence you were striving for.
Despite the red flags, you persevere and move from the free plan to a paid plan so you can avoid the Wix ads and actually connect your domain. You’re starting a new business and throwing money into google ads and digital marketing and find things are just not converting for you. The website becomes this huge pain point, you start neglecting it and stop loading fresh content and even stop directing people there. You’re embarrassed and unhappy. Things are feeling like a bad relationship 6 months in and you need an exit strategy.
You start putting the feelers out for a new platform. You soon realise all these platforms are offering and saying the same thing, but you’ve been down that road before and you’ve been burned. You realise what you really need is someone to listen to your business problems, heck, maybe someone to identify your problems that you can’t quite see. An expert that knows about user experience, SEO and site performance. A partner to bounce ideas around with, someone that can take this weight off so you can focus on why you started the business in the first place. The thing is, you’re an expert at your business, that doesn’t have to include website development.
A professional web developer can restore your faith in the website world… maybe even the internet.